View Team Member Contacts (ACLAPA members only)
Cleft Units
- The Royal Children’s Hospital – Melbourne Cleft and Craniofacial Unit – CPT, CFT
Flemington Rd Parkville
Melbourne, VIC 3052 AUSTRALIA - +61 3 9345 5390
- Fax +61 3 613 9345 6585
- Women’s and Children’s Hospital – Australian Craniofacial Unit – CPT, CFT
72 King William Rd
North Adelaide, SA 5006 AUSTRALIA - +61 8 8161 7235
- Fax: +61 8 8161 7080
- Perth Children’s Hospital – Cleft Lip and Palate/ Craniofacial Unit – CPT, CFT
15 Hospital Avenue
Nedlands, WA 6009
GPO Box D184 - Wilma McBain (Unit Co-ordinator) WA
- +61 8 6456 3984
- Sydney Children’s Hospital – Cleft Palate Clinic – CPT
High Street
Randwick NSW 2031 - +61 2 9382 1688
- Fax: +61 2 9340 8135
- John Hunter Children’s Hospital – CPT
Lookout Road
New Lambton Heights, 2305 NSW
Locked Bag 1
HRMC 2310 NSW - +61 2 4921 3670 (general paediatric department)/
- +61 2 4921 3000 (JHH switchboard)
- The Children’s Hospital at Westmead – Cleft Palate Clinic – CPT
Cnr Hawkesbury Road and Hainsworth Street
Westmead, Sydney, NSW 2145
Locked Bag 4001 - +61 2 9845 2079
- Fax: +61 2 9845 2078
- Queensland Children’s Hospital – CPT, CFT
501 Stanley Street
South Brisbane QLD 4101 - +61 7 3068 4321
- Monash Children’s Hospital – CPT, CFT
246 Clayton Road
Clayton VIC 3168 - +61 3 8572 3833
- Fax: +61 3 8572 3647
- KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital – Cleft and Craniofacial Centre Team – CPT
Level 5 Women’s Tower
Singapore 229899 - +65 6394 1521
- Fax: +65 6394 1524
- Singapore International Cleft-Craniofacial Team
1 Orchard Boulevard, Camden Medical Centre #06-04
Singapore 248649 - +65 6836 0554
- Fax: +65 6836 1967
New Zealand
- Middlemore Hospital
Hospital Road, Otahuhu
Auckland, New Zealand 1640
Private Bag 93311 - +64 9 276 0054
- Christchurch Hospital
2 Riccarton Avenue
Christchurch, New Zealand 4710
Private Bag 93311 - +64 3 364 0640